Test Automation with Kotlin (intro)

Free session Kotlin

Short intro

Kotlin is a modern, statically-typed programming language which can be used for both object-oriented and functional programming. It targets multiple platforms, like the JVM, and is fully interoperable with Java. After its official release in 2016, Kotlin has a rapid growing community, especially since Google announced it as official language for Android development.

Due to the easy-to-learn syntax, its interoperability with Java libraries and the functional programming features, Kotlin is perfect for building powerful test automation frameworks.

This session serves as an introduction to the Kotlin language and its capabilities within test automation.

Who should watch this session?

Test automation engineers, testers and developers who want to learn the benefits of using Kotlin for creating automated tests and test automation frameworks.

In this session you will learn about:

  • Basic Kotlin syntax
  • Special Kotlin classes and there benefits over Java classes
  • Building Page Object Models using type-safe builders
  • How to create a readable, domain specific language
  • Managing Drivers with the help of sealed classes
kotlin brownbag


30 min presentation
➡ Intro
➡ Kotlin basics
➡ Setting up WebDrivers
➡ Page Object Models using type-safe builders
➡ Creating a Domain Specific Language (DSL)
➡ Conclusion

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Test Automation with Kotlin

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