Ready to Go Test Automation Framework (Intro)

Free session

Improve your speed to automate with a Ready to Go Test Automation Framework

The answer to increased test coverage and faster testing is automation testing. Creating these automation tests, however, takes a lot of time, and choosing the right tools and technologies is often a trial and error process.
As a result, automation scripts are not maintained or test automation is abandoned altogether. This is not only true for companies with less experience in QA, but also for those with more experience in QA and/or software development.
This prompted us to develop a framework for test automation to help our customers automate business cases quickly and reliably.

Our solution comes with a lot of tools to automate web applications and rest services as well as HTML and TestRail reporting to improve the quality of your automated tests.
This allows customers to immediately start automating their business cases and report back the results.
Furthermore, it is completely open, so you can add extra features yourself or have one of our consultants do it for you.

During this session we discuss:

  • The need for a general test automation framework
  • How this will benefit you
  • How quickly you can automate
  • Demo


30 min presentation
➡ Intro
➡ Benefits / Usage
➡ Demo

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Ready to Go Test Automation Framework (Intro)

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