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API Testing with REST Assured

7 Students enrolled
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rest assured online

Short description

REST Assured is an open-source Java library for validation of REST web services. It is flexible and easy to use and supports all the HTTP methods such as GET, POST, PUT, etc. It also supports BDD (Behavior-Driven Development) by using test notation, Given, When, and Then, which makes the tests human readable. REST Assured is not a test framework itself, it’s more like a validation library for REST API’s. This means that we still need a test engineand we will be using TestNG in combination with REST Assured for that purpose.  During this course you will not learn about TestNG, but instead, we will dive into the features of REST Assured.

Course info and content

This is an online drip content course. Each section consists of theory, with mostly video material, and some exercises on the topics which are handled within this section and the sections before. Our training experts will be available at the trainees disposal, to answer questions, give feedback, tips & tricks, etc. Topics that will be covered (among other things):

    • REST Assured
      • Introduction
      • JSON/XML response handling
      • Groovy features
      • Headers and cookies
      • Setting request data
      • Response verifications
      • Performance testing
    • Exercises


  • This is not a programming course, you will not learn how to write code. You should have a basic programming knowledge and you will learn how to use this knowledge within the java programming language. So, to understand everything during this course a basic programming knowledge might be required.
  • For this course we assembled a list of videos, exercises, quizzes, … from different sources. We ordered everything in a way that we believe is a good way to learn this course.

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What's the language of the course?
All materials (such as video's, excercises,...) are in English. Feedback by the trainer can be given in Dutch or English.
When can I participate in this course?
This is an online drip content course. You can enroll in this course at any time you like.
Will I be able to ask questions or get help?
Yes! Our training experts will be available at your disposal, to answer questions, give feedback, tips & tricks, etc.